
Click here to download & print the MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION 2025 (PDF)


  1. Complete one (1) application form for EACH individual member.
  2. Enter your name, address, phone(s) and email(s) as you would like them to appear in the club roster.
  3. The Club Membership Dues of $25 is required for each member and is used to help cover club expenses (meetings, meals, etc.)
  4. GHIN is highly recommended for all handicapped tournaments, including the Men’s, Women’s, and Tuesday Money Leagues.
  5. Indicate if you want a GHIN and indicate which leagues you want to join.
  6. Enter the appropriate amount for Total 2025 Dues Payable. (either $25 or $64)
  7. Enter a check mark for cash or a check number if paid by check, payable to BBVGC. Please do not send cash in the mail.
  8. Mail or deliver your application with payment to:
    Birch Bay Village Golf Club
    c/o Bill Duncan/Jim Paradis
    8222 Sehome Rd,
    Blaine, WA 98230