Click here to download & print the MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION 2025 (PDF)
- Complete one (1) application form for EACH individual member.
- Enter your name, address, phone(s) and email(s) as you would like them to appear in the club roster.
- The Club Membership Dues of $25 is required for each member and is used to help cover club expenses (meetings, meals, etc.)
- GHIN is highly recommended for all handicapped tournaments, including the Men’s, Women’s, and Tuesday Money Leagues.
- Indicate if you want a GHIN and indicate which leagues you want to join.
- Enter the appropriate amount for Total 2025 Dues Payable. (either $25 or $64)
- Enter a check mark for cash or a check number if paid by check, payable to BBVGC. Please do not send cash in the mail.
- Mail or deliver your application with payment to:
Birch Bay Village Golf Club
c/o Bill Duncan/Jim Paradis
8222 Sehome Rd,
Blaine, WA 98230