The Men’s League is open to Birch Bay Village Golf Club Members and their guests. There are two divisions – a 9-Hole and an 18-Hole division. A Handicap Index is recommended. Participants play with other members of varying experience and skill level, usually 20 to 30 players. This League is designed to be fun for a more serious Golfer. Playing for money is possible but is optional. If you don’t have a GHIN handicap index, you can establish one through the Club and by playing in the Men’s League. Normally an invitation to join a Thursday round will be emailed to League members 4-5 days ahead of time. Just reply whether you are playing or not. We will get you in a group and out playing. Each player must pay the appropriate Green Fee for their round at check-in.
Email: [email protected]
Schedule and Fees
- Plays on THURSDAYS during the prime season (Apr 1 – Oct 15) and year-round, weather permitting
- May-Sep 9:00am, CHECK-IN at 8:30am
- Oct-Apr 10:00am, CHECK-IN at 9:30am
- May-Sep 9:30am, CHECK-IN at 9:00am
- Oct-Apr 10:30am, CHECK-IN at 10:00am
- Entry fee of $5 is optional
- All entry fees are paid out at the end of the round
- The number of payout places depends on the number of players
- There is usually a $1 side game as well (also optional)
- The 18-hole Group plays from either the White/Blue tee boxes or the White/Combo tee boxes as they decide.
- The 9-hole Group plays from either the Red or White tees as they decide.
Frequently Played Round Formats
- Individual Low Net: Lowest score using individual course handicap
- Team Score varies every week (best ¾, Best Ball, Alt. Shot …)
Scoring and Handicap
- Each player’s Handicap Index (updated that day) is converted to a course handicap.
- A variety of games are played each week with most scores being post-able.
- Your score will be posted unless you ask us not to.